For many years I have written that I am not such a fan of New Years Resolutions. This year I may have a different opinion of resolutions. On my travels to and from South Carolina to Tennessee, I listened to the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Something the author says about resolutions has stuck with me- The difference between goals and resolutions. Goals are can be met, but resolutions are things you resolve to do each day. Once you’ve hit a goal, it is over, but resolutions continue every day, forever. I think I like looking at resolutions in this manner. I resolve to improve. Each day will look a bit different, but it is fluid and it will have ups and downs.
I also believe adding more happiness to my life is a worthy resolution. I wonder though if finding joy might be better than finding happiness. What is the difference or is there a difference? I guess I have this belief that happiness is circumstantial- it’s based on your current circumstances. I things are falling apart, can I still be happy. I’ve always thought of joy having more substance, a deep-seated feeling that is not affected by my surroundings or circumstance. The way I feel about these things stem from my faith in God. The verse that comes to my mind is from Nehemiah 8:10 ‘for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’ I have eternal hope so I can possess eternal joy. I may be unhappy or happy from moment to moment based on what is happening around me, but I cannot be robbed of my joy.
Even by making that distinction, I do still find myself using the words somewhat interchangeably and really I’m ok with that. The point is finding happiness or joy in the everyday life is a very worthy resolution. I found myself doing that this holiday season. I tried to pay attention to the details surrounding me- the decorations, the food, the clothing, the lights. Being mindful, being present, enjoying the ordinary all made the experience more joyful.
I resolve from here on out to find Joy and Happiness.
Gretchen Reuben has many resources for finding happiness at
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